domingo, 31 de enero de 2010

Is it possible to change our culture?

This week in class, the teacher asked the students in which other cultures they would have liked to be borned or live. Many of them answered that in a more organized culture, given that the Colombian culture is the opposite of that. Now i ask if that issue is just of our culture, or many other have the same problem. Well, in my opinion, and it is just an opinion, our culture could be just as organized as many other from Western Europe and so, like they mentioned; the only thing we are missing right now in order to be in their level is education.
To me, educating people to act in a certain way, in this case more organized, is the key to become a "better" culture. Right now we might be so disorganized because we just dont see the need to improve that, but whenever a situation pushes us to be organized we learn how to.
A specific example of this was given by a classmate who pointed out that in Western Europe, people make a line to take the bus; something that is not particular of our culture. However, now-a-days it is possible to find Colombian people making a line to take the bus, specially in those routes that are needed the most by the travelers; otherwise, they are not allowed to get in the vehicle.
This shows that we are able to learn and apply organized actions when educated; of course not inmediatelly but with time.
As a conclusion, each of us has the responsibility to educate the others little by little until eventually we reach that so desired level of organization.