viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Proud to be part of a minority?

No matter where you are, being part of a minority sucks. I know that many people may sustain that this could be a reason to be proud of, an opportunity to live a legacy and to be different from the mass; and yes, all of the above sounds too beautiful and so ideal at the same time. But let’s face the truth: no minority has the big opportunity mentioned before; by the contrary, they are constantly chased and underestimated.

Now-a-days, there is a big group of minorities in the world, and some of the most global are: homosexuals, women, and indigenous. The last group mentioned has been historically a victim of violence, persecution and rights violations. Regarding to this, Australian indigenous suffered a bloody history in that country, and today people regret of that, offering excuses and saying sorry to this minority.

However, there is one question to ask: is it just enough to say sorry? I believe no. saying sorry is a start, but it is definitely not enough! It is true that it is impossible to undo what was done many years ago and reverse history. But something fair toward the compensation of these tragedies is that many restructuration projects can be leaded by the government and private companies.

Following the previous, we may include in those projects some in terms of:
- Education so indigenous people can reintegrate to the society in a competent way, in order to work as equals with the rest of people.
- Health security; even though their tradition may be against some modern practices, the State should provide them a good health system, so they can be treated in an efficient way.
- Job opportunities. There should be a program to support them with work opportunities so they have a chance to improve what was once taken out from them.

These are just some examples, but the list might keep on growing if the wiling is there.

Finally, there is something that needs to be clear, so there are not misunderstandings: being part of a minority does not imply being a martyr; it might just be a little bit more tough than for the rest of the people to climb in society, but the road could make you stronger and could help you develop characteristics that others may not have. So it is a proud to be part of a minority, as long as people know how to take things; and if a the damage towards them is done, saying sorry is not enough!

4 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you when you say being a minority is not such a good thing. However there are some cases like in Rwanda where the minority group (tutsis) are the dominant group and make terrible abuses to the population based on the argument that they are a minority and they would be on risk if they give the power to the majority. This show us that sometimes the problem is not to be part of a minority but not to have power and influences.

  2. I think you have the problem very clear, normally when a people belongs to a minority if someone is mean to him, or treat him badly they think its because of that, so they cannot make the mistake to think everyone is going to discriminate them

    Another point is that Sorry is not enough but its the main tool to start, if you say sorry all the anger and resentment are going to decrease on the discriminated and with this you can start building new relations

  3. i had like a lot you thoughts, I also think that minorities have to be proud because they are not as everybody, they do not follow the trends just because everybody does it.

  4. Being part of a minority could be a reason to be proud of, but at the end as the blog says it sucks, why? Because of the reasons mentioned in the blog, “they are constantly chased and underestimated” and I also add they are discriminated in many cases. The majority don’t pay as much of attention to what minorities have to say. I support the blog, you could be proud, leave a legacy, have opportunities to belong to a minority, but in many cases you won’t reach as much if you were part of the majority. The opportunities, opinions and more valued if belong to a majority than to a minority. Minorities are having big problems, but no for being a minority. They suffer because they do not belong to the majority and sometimes they are not accepted by them, ending in conflicts and discrimination. I think minorities have to a big effort to be accepted by the majority as they should be, that’s why a beginning is what the blogs suggest.
