jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Corporations as an influence in culture

Before the industrial revolution, handlaboring was considered an art that created customized artefacts for each of the real needs of the people. Then, when machinery and technology improved the productive activity, the handycrafter became a worker of a big plant, which produced in massive quantities, and who now was required to follow a schedule and accomplish a specific goal.
It didn't took too long until those big factories came to Colombia, and changed the daily life of its nationals. Big corporations, now-a-days, could and do change a culture: with its policies and its corporate culture, which eventually have an influence in people's customes.
Taking the example of Colombia; this culture has always been very family centered, so people procured to be home early in order to spend some time with their relatives. However, this corporations brought with them, besides great technology and techniques, a whole new set of values (corporate culture) rooted in the industrialized country's culture, who don't care that much about family time; and also a new set of benefits INSIDE and AROUND the company (such as a gym, reading clubs, sports teams, movies...). Therefore, the Colombian workers are getting affected by this, in a sense that now they prefer to spend more time in the company as they feel attracted to all of those benefitss. Sumarizing, big corporations are separating workers from their families, and are trying to create a new "family" with its own values, culture and customes.

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